Goodwill: A Leader in the Green Economy
You could say Goodwill was one of the original recyclers, repairing and selling donated items in the early 20th century. Today, we work with local agencies to recycle and re-purpose everything from electronics to books, and textiles to plastic toys, keeping tens of millions of pounds out of landfills each year. We are one of the largest recyclers in the nation and are committed to the sustainability, safety, and beauty of our environment!
Sustainability is ubiquitous–internationally, the importance of sustainability is recognized by large multinational companies as well as governmental organizations. In smaller organizations, there is recognition that sustainability is not just for “tree-huggers,” it also makes good business sense.
Photo courtesy of Steve Adams via Unsplash
According to a UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs study, the global population is forecast to soar to over 9.7 billion people by 2050, creating huge demand for the world’s finite resources. One important resource which is already scarce in many parts of the globe and which will become scarcer is water. According to a McKinsey & Co Report, Charting Our Water Future, we could be facing serious water scarcity as soon as 2030 if we continue to use water at the current rate. When it comes to clothing, electronics, and other home goods, it takes a lot of water and energy to make these items. Specific to clothing and textiles, less fabric is wasted with repurposing, and the water footprint of an item decreases since the life of the item is extended.
Approximately 54 percent of people are living in cities, towns and other urban areas, accounting for more than 70 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions, energy consumption and use of material resources. It’s becoming common practice now to identify ways to reduce pollution and become more eco-friendly, and general resource reuse and repurposing makes economic and financial sense – which is why sustainability is here to stay, and becoming more and more important.
Our bottom line is People, Planet and Community. So, the next time you are cleaning out a closet and wonder if your donations really have an impact, keep in mind that the jeans that you no longer wear are not waste! In fact, it takes nearly 1800 gallons of water to produce one pair of jeans. By donating them, you help create jobs, train individuals, strengthen families AND reduce the environmental impact on the planet. In fact, donating your jeans could change someone’s life!