
Meet Denise: A Facilities Management Program Graduate!

Through a generous grant from Denver’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency (CASR), Goodwill of Colorado and the International Facility Management Association Foundation (IFMA) partnered to create and expand clean energy jobs for the Denver area. This grant has helped create career pathways for four Denver-area residents so far since launching earlier this year and provides a platform for individuals to improve environmental quality.

Meet Denise, one of the recent graduates of the pre-apprenticeship program!

Tell us Denise, what made you decide to apply?

I recently became a Day Center manager for a Senior Center, and I discovered I had management skills but lacking facility management skills. I wanted to learn and grow into my new role so I could do and be my best in my new role. 

How did you hear about the Facilities Management program?

I heard about the program from Community Connections through the City and County of Denver.  It’s a list of agencies that share information and resources throughout the city.

What was your favorite project or assignment you worked on?

My favorite projects were the presentations. I personally had not done a presentation on PowerPoint and through the process I learned new skills, challenges and information regarding my FM and sustainability. I found that I really enjoyed the project. Through my research I learned and gained a lot of knowledge regarding Facility Management and what our what our role is in sustainability on a daily basis and the impact to our resources. This course has opened up a new world for me in FM. I appreciate the opportunity I had to grow and develop. I will definitely continue my growth in FM for my future!

What did you like best about the program?

I liked the challenge, open discussions and spending time with my classmates in an environment that allowed us to grow and develop.

What advice would you give someone who is considering applying?

Allow yourself to be challenged and the opportunity to grow in a supportive setting. Instructors are very helpful and will work with you. They are awesome and very supportive!

Any plans or goals after graduation? What are you hoping to achieve after completing the Facilities Management program?

I was accepted for the FM apprenticeship and I’m currently a member of IFMA and I plan to continue being a member and growing my career.  I hope to become a FM instructor.  As I previously mentioned, this course has opened up a new world for me in my career and future. I’m proud of myself for all the accomplishments I have met through the courses!

The Facilities Management program is Goodwill of Colorado’s first partnership into the world of apprenticeships, and the work supported by this program will have significant impact on providing jobs in facility management careers. Forty-five individuals will be accepted into the pre-apprenticeship program, where they will earn credentials towards their facilities management apprenticeship through courses taken. At the end of the pre-apprenticeship program, 15 individuals will be selected to move into the facilities management apprenticeship, where Goodwill will work with each of them to help get them placed into a facilities management position.

Pre-apprenticeship training is provided at Goodwill’s main office located in Denver. At this time, only City and County of Denver residents are eligible, and anyone interested in learning more about the program or applying should contact



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