
Marshall Fire Resources
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Helping Individuals and Families Affected by the Marshall Fire 

In light of the tremendous losses the Boulder County community has suffered due to the Marshall Fire, Goodwill is working with the Office of Emergency Management, Colorado Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (COVOAD), and the Red Cross to provide assistance.

  • Through the Red Cross, Goodwill is providing emergency vouchers/gift cards to individuals and families. These vouchers/gift cards are redeemable at any Goodwill of Colorado store and can be used to purchase any items the recipient deems necessary. The Red Cross will issue these Goodwill vouchers at the Disaster Assistance Center (DAC) located at 1755 South Public Road in Lafayette. The phone number to reach the Red Cross at the DAC is 303-413-7730.
  • Goodwill is also working with the Red Cross and with other agencies who may need assistance clearing material donations for those affected by the Marshall Fire. Goodwill will absorb those donations into our normal operations so that individuals with emergency vouchers can purchase items they need at any Goodwill of Colorado store.
Donate to Goodwill of Colorado
  • Goodwill is accepting donations as usual at all our stores/Attended Donation Centers. A list of donated items we accept can be found here. We encourage individuals to donate to our stores, as any donation may benefit a person or family affected by the Marshall Fire who receives a Goodwill emergency voucher from the Red Cross.

While the community continues to rebuild from this devastating fire, Goodwill of Colorado will continue to partner and work with organizations to help our community come back stronger.

For additional information, please contact us at communications@goodwillcolorado.org