

Re-blogged from the Goodwill Blog by By Randy Wooden, Director, Professional Center by Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina

Stress. We have all experienced at least some level of stress in our lives, whether it be financial, health, work or in our relationships. Most of us know to exercise, eat well, get plenty of rest and connect with people for self-care. Today I will share three tips for dealing with work-related stress.

#1 Understand what is triggering your stress

Write down the times you feel stressed. What were the situations? How did you react? Was the stress related to work volume, difficult deadlines, interpersonal challenges with co-workers or your manager, or job instability?

#2 Take action to address stress triggers

Once you know your stressors, figure out what to do about them. If you are facing a time crunch, take a look at where you are spending your time. This might mean journaling to keep a written account of your daily activities so you better use time spent on non-productive or less-productive activities. If the workload seems overwhelming, engage with your boss to set realistic goals and prioritizing your work. Make a list and block out time to complete your tasks.

If your stress is interpersonal, have a conversation with the other person to explore how you can work together better. If needed, engage your supervisor or human resources representatives to reach resolution and a path forward.

If your stress is related to fear of losing your job, focus on landing a new job instead of worrying about something that may be out of your control.

#3 Seek professional assistance

If you are unable reduce stress on your own, seek professional help. Many employers offer an employee assistance program (EAP) where you can obtain free counseling or other assistance.

Do not allow stress to dominate your life. Identify challenges and address them. There are many resources to help.

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