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Take a Tour!

Would you like to see where Possibilities become reality for individuals who have a disability? Or, to travel with us to Voyages, a safe and fun-filled, day-time destination for seniors?

These are just two of Goodwill of Colorado’s life-changing programs for veterans, youth, seniors and individuals who have a disability or a barrier to fulfilling employment.

We invite you to tour our innovative campus, and see:

• Possibilities featuring a first-of-its-kind, 14,000 square-foot interactive community fostering unlimited learning and new beginnings for individuals with developmental challenges

• Voyages providing daily activities, compassionate care and companionship, and community integration opportunities for aging adults

For a tour of Possibilities or Voyages, please contact Pat Skolout at pskolout@goodwillcolorado.org or 719-490-5088 or Heather Hughes at hhughes@goodwillcolorado.org or 719-430-0252.

• LIFT Training Epicenter where individuals receiving IT training and support to achieve certifications that help them realize their dream of a successful career

For a tour of LIFT and CW Step, please contact Jennifer Bailey at jbailey@goodwillcolorado.org or 720-738-0009.