
Equality Statement
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Our Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

To our Goodwill community partners and friends,

On this 155th Anniversary of Juneteenth, we are renewing our focus on racial injustice brought once again to the world’s attention by the tragic death of George Floyd. I would like to share my deep sadness and grief for his family, the people of Minneapolis, and the communities affected across the country. Like many others, I am struggling to process recent events that weigh heavily on our hearts. I cannot begin to understand what it is like to experience inequality and injustice simply because of the color of one’s skin. I hope I can grow in this understanding each day.

We don’t have all the answers now, but we must acknowledge the feelings and emotions of our employees, community partners and those we serve. People of color, and others marginalized for their differences, experience overwhelming social and economic pressures every day. They suffer from the highest unemployment rates and the greatest level of unmet basic needs, all while seeking to be treated with equity, dignity and respect. These longstanding issues, along with the devastating and disproportional impact of coronavirus in the black community, are unacceptable. We must stand together against racism, injustice and discrimination in all of its shapes and forms as individuals, as Goodwill and as a community. This clearly aligns with Goodwill’s Values: People Matter, Integrity and Excellence, among others.

For more than a century, Goodwill has advocated for equality, empowerment, and independence for the people of Colorado. We are listening, we are learning, and we will continue to rely on our mission to guide our work. Goodwill is committed to providing training, employment and support where the need is greatest to positively impact lives and communities. Partnering with organizations that support this mission and help make lasting transformations for those who need it most, is more important now than ever before. Thank you for the role you play every day in delivering our mission as our valued partners. The work you do, combined with Goodwill’s long-standing history of evolving to meet changing community needs, positions us to create a meaningful impact in the communities we all serve. Together, we must commit to making a difference and being better every day!

With sincere gratitude and support,

Karla Grazier