
Colorado Gives Day
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  5. Colorado Gives Day

Give where you live!

Did you know that each year Goodwill of Colorado helps over 100,000 Coloradans live more independent and fulfilled lives? We need your help to keep the effort moving! 

Join us December 7, 2021 on Colorado Gives Day to make a difference in the lives of your community members.

For 24 hours on December 7th, Colorado comes together as a community, sharing stories and raising funds to help us and 3,000 other nonprofits continue our missions. You can now schedule your donation and it will count toward earning us a part of the $1.6 million Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund! All participating Colorado Gives Day nonprofits earn a percentage of the fund, so the more we raise, the more we are able to continue to work on our life-changing mission of helping Coloradans achieve greater independence. 

Some highlights from 2020:

Visit our Impact page to learn more about how Goodwill of Colorado works to change lives in the community.

When you make an investment in people, you make an investment in the future of Colorado. Your support can make a tremendous difference in the lives of Coloradans in need!

Help us in changing lives today!

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For more information or for questions regarding financial donations or Colorado Gives Day, please call Bonnie Goff at (719) 884-1483 or Debra Scarpella at (720) 495-7495.

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